Why energy invoices prices are going up?
Why the oil price trend is rising up in the last semester?

The cause of the increases is certainly linked to the increase in the price of oil (+ 57% in the last 12 months).
In summary there’s a report of the main international and national factors that caused this increase.


International tensions and geopolitical factors (OPEC and Russia).
US sanctions on Venezuela oil production.
US sanctions against Iran.


The cut of production from nuclear power plants in France. Italy is forced to produce from coal-fired power plants or to import energy at a higher price from other countries (Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria) to meet the national needs. The plan is a decrease in the percentage weight of the atom in the electric mix from 75% to 50% by 2025.
The reduction in hydroelectric production in 2017 (-14.3%), considered the most arid year of the last 200 years, which necessarily led to the replacement of production with gas plants and consequent increase in demand.
Slight industrial recovery with a consequent increase in demand (+ 2%) and rising prices.
Capacity reduction (-4% in 2018) of the TENP pipeline (Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline).